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Make a statement in this soft cotton sweatshirt custom made by us. The Never Forget Collection pays homage to destroyed Black communities just like Scalloptown. Scalloptown was a modest Black community which served as a haven for both free and enslaved Africans even before the Revolution. Their small, hand-crafted homes sat along the water where the scallops were plentiful, granting it its name. Adjacent to the predominantly white Greenwich, Scalloptown was considered a dumping ground for the deplorable and uneducated. White citizens in the Greenwich area regularly complained about the presence of their lowly neighbors, and in 1908, they installed a "mission" in the Black part of town to "save" its residents. Needless to say, the intention was never to coexist peacefully. In 1913, white residents who founded the mission began buying and burning down homes in Scalloptown. Eventually, to save money and effort in their destructive pursuits, they persuaded local government officials to have the entire town condemned as uninhabitable and its residents forced out. Because many of the townspeople did not own their land and were considered 'squatters' they had no recourse to save their homes. May we never forget this East Greenwich gem lost to prejudice and intolerance.

Scalloptown Rhode Island Sweatshirt

  • Machine wash on cold and dry on low heat to preserve the quality of the fabric.

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