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Make a statement in this soft cotton sweatshirt custom made by us. The Never Forget Collection pays homage to destroyed Black communities like Hangroot. Hangroot was a Black community near Greenwich which was listed as a "Colored Settlement" for both free and enslaved and included a modest Native American population. Its name was derived from the community's use of root cellars to hang fruit and vegetables away from rodents. The area was populated by those who worked on nearby farms and in the homes of wealthier white residents and saw its population begin to grow with the increased immigration following the Irish potato famine. With overcrowding in New York City and the rise of special interest groups devoted to creating exclusive retreats for their members, came an influx of rich city dwellers seeking the refuge of country estates. One such wealthy family was the famed Rockefellers who began purchasing homes from locals, sometimes as penalties for legal judgements against Black residents. The gentrification of Hangroot was pervasive and Black residents were priced out of their after being overlooked in favor of white immigrants for the factory jobs they once claimed. May we never forget the community bought out by the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Hangroot Connecticut Sweatshirt

  • Machine wash on cold and dry on low heat to preserve the quality of the fabric.

  • Sizes for standard sweatshirts are unisex so if you would like a closer fit, we suggest sizing down ONE size.

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